Use These Epic Tweet to help "Re-Educate" dimtard liberals!
Abortion Rights: ANY pro-choicer who hasn't/didn't abort ALL their children is a monumental hypocrite! You can't be a TRUE & DEVOTED follower of 'the movement' if you haven't killed ALL OF YOUR OWN CHILDREN in the womb. If you haven't/don't then you are a two-face bootlicking charlatan & poser!
You have no human right to kill a baby before or even after they're born. The fact that you think it's ok shows your level of depravity to be equal to a serial killer.
The idea that abortion bans forces more black women to have babies because they are the ones having the most abortions is so dumb that it should itself be aborted forthwith.
When you have consensual sex and get pregnant well 50% of that baby is from the man, therefore shouldn't 50% of the decision to kill that baby should be on him? Many Real men would choose correctly.
The regulation of abortion IS a state issue. The revocation of R.V W. does NOT ban them. ANY! ANY!!! person that says it does is committing a criminal fabrication equal to the satanic act of abortion itself.
If we're dead when our heart stops why can't people accept that our life begins when it beats? Abortion isn't healthcare it's a democrat euthanasia plan for those they deem unworthy to live like future women, black & Hispanic republican voters!
Pregnancy is NOT a disease that requires "healthcare choices." It's a human life and should be held, revered & coveted, and only taken under the most extreme & solemn circumstances. It’ll be inconvenient or I'll get stretch marks AREN'T one of them!
For 2 millenia all religions have committed societal crimes. However, the notion that you would try to smear Christians as violent fascist & extremists for not wanting to be baby killers reveals a level of bigotry that's spectacularly epic & disgusting to say the least!
Opinion polls of 1000 ppl out of 340 mil asking if the agree with abortion is wholly insufficient when trying to get ANY usable data. Therefore ALL result from these polls would be disinformation and utterly useless.
We need to take a look at why we don't value human life? Certainly if we didn't kill 1000's of babies a day in the womb we'd all have a better respect for life.
RIGHT NOW we dump tiny humans into the garbage and call it health care & a human right! That's the problem! Sick!
RIGHT NOW we daily tear tiny humans apart while in the womb, sell their parts, and toss away their useless bits into a rubbish bin and WE call THIS woman's health care & HER human right! If you're ok with that then why get so triggered when there's a school shooting with a gun?
No ones 'right' to kill babies should surpass the right of that baby to live. Thanks for your lame opinion baby killer! You disgust me! If you are pro abortion then you are pro murder of children, thus you are an epic hypocrite and scumbag!
If you are one of those spineless cowards held hostage by the pro baby killer lobby and have been an obstacle to sensible abortion reform, just shut the fuck up, right now.
It's hard to understand why people support baby killing in the womb and up to 30 days after birth but are so outraged when an mass event happens in a school. So they don't care about kids in the womb, but when they are 12 we must protect them from all harm. Fishy!
Celebrites: Has anyone noticed that washed up celebrities who think they're know-it-alls have refused to consider the fact that there's no difference in taste from sh1t from their bass & sh1t from gov spoxes'. They eat both eagerly & greedily like its their last meal!
Washed up celebs who can't keep their mouth shut about politics & social issues are so full of sh1t that its coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth...or it just be a new medical condition known as Trans Spinal-Cranial-Rectal Inversion Syndrome (incurable). Oh..well!
All these washed up celebs need to know that their levels of fecal matter in their blood is highly elevated. Someone ought to tell them they should stop eating all that sh1t from the media or gov spoxes. We all know they're lying & cheating scumbags, anyway!
The issue i have with lame washed up celebs is they are so full of sh1t that its coming out of every face hole...or it just be a new medical condition known as Trans Spinal-Cranial-Rectal Inversion Syndrome (incurable). Film at 11!
We may need to do an intervention on dumb washed up celebs. Their blood levels of sh1t for brains is abnormal and it could be fatal. I'd hate for them to be featured on tmz for a death from extreme liberal dumbassery!
You've been banned from the human race for your chronic case of dumbassery. Realize that NOONE cares about you or your lame washed up celebs friends. The sooner you realize the you can slink away to your pedowood mansion shut the door and never speak or leave it again.
We should send all the washed up celebs to san francisco. They could use the 1000's of lbs of sh1t on the street as their new food supply since their so used to gobbling it up from themselves & their friends, corrupt media and gov. spoxes!
Climate change: When you say the SCIENCE IS SETTLED you just don't want me to question the YOUR facts. Science is the act of questioning facts. The notion that you don't want me to indicates you're a liar and a hack.
Disinformation: Just because we disagree doesn't make what I say disinformation. I have a right to disagree with you, but you have no right, by hook or crook, to force me to agree with you. Just try using real FACTS!
You've made a factual claim, but given no proof thus you've committed slander or libel. So now you're a dirty stinking maggot eating liar not worth the o2 you're breathing. You have become worse than those you've falsely accused, and you're so ignorant you can't understand it!
I think you might be leaving out some stuff. Interesting that you posted no source for this factual claim which can only lead me to think you are full of sh1t and quite the dumbass too boot!
When you make factual statements and fail to provide evidence to support THEM then THAT IS A LIE AND MAKES YOU A DIRTY STINKING LIAR. YOU need to provide proof to validate your claims or slink away!
You just made about 1 or more factual claims with no supporting data. YOU are the one trying to convince me therefore YOU must provide evidence. Without that you're a stupid uneducated liar and sorry excuse for a person! Prove your sh1t or shut it!
If you've got proof they lied then give it to the authorities.. You have also not provided any evidence here to back it up either. So Who is the actual liar here? That would be YOU!
If you've got proof a crime was committed then give it to the authorities.. You have also not provided any evidence here to back it up either. So Who is the actual liar here? That would be YOU!
I agree but if you've got proof of these crimes please give to the authorities NOW, but since you've not provided any evidence to back it up you're a liar & cheater like congress. You disgust me as much if not more than congress for your inability to prove your point!
We see your true nature when you tweet that sh1t. You're a fool, moron, twit, blockhead, bonehead, cretin, dimwit, dork, dumbbell, ignoramus, imbecile, muttonhead, nincompoop, ninny, pinhead, simpleton, clodpoll, birdbrained, obtuse, thick, and a jerk! Did I forget something?
Your statement directly contradicts accepted reality. Why would you tweet that sh1t knowing this? Do you think we're too dumb to see that you are full of shit? Are you even capable of accepting the fact that you're flat-mouth foot-licker? Let me know when you find these answers!
For the sh1t eaters who are upset that some terds got fired, not by elon, for violating rules. THEY'RE A PRIVATE COMPANY LIKE TWITTER. Twitter censors speech they don't agree with and get away with it because they are a private company so take yore head outta your bass!
If what you say is true then there should some evidence having been presented to the police, charges being brought, and arrests being made. So what does this tell you? It tells me you are full of a big smelly terd possibly a footlong!
Even if what you are saying is true you seem to be forgetting one thing. No one cares what you say, what you tweet, what you think, what your gender is or who you are married to! I'll keep my sh1t in MY house and you keep your sh1t in YOUR house.
Even if I present verified facts to prove you're wrong, which I can do easily btw, you wouldn't accept it anyway because you don't care about facts you only care about suppressing ANYONE who disagrees with you regardless of truth!
If you think that's true you might want to consider something. Asinine is defined as: 1 : extremely or utterly foolish or silly an asinine excuse. 2 : of, relating to, or reseambling an ass. Oh and there's your photo. Wow, it's so awesome to know a famous person!
Tweeting is not a difficult concept. You take words and form sentences to
communicate. If ppl disagree with you you're supposed to discuss all points calmy & logically until an equilibrium is reached. So why do you just call everybody racist homophobe white supremacist nasis?
Just because you tweet something doesn't make it accurate, but when I tweet saying your tweet is dumber than sh1t you can count on THAT being 100% true! My bullshit detector has been on full power since the watergate hearings!
Discrimination: Entitlement IS a mental defect. ANY special treatment given to a person / group for OR against another person / group because of race IS discrimination. Why is it so hard for the democrats to understand the concept of equal treatment under that law!
When a person focuses on their sexual preferences, skin color, and immigration status instead of their actual abilities to do a job then I can only assume that's the ONLY reason for their getting that job and of course to satisfy the extreme libtard woke mob. Shouldn't a person's ability to do the job be the primary reason they're hired instead of who she bucks in bed, their skin color, or immigration status? Its outright pandering and should not be allowed.
Ethics: Entitled pols in DC want to pass ethics laws for SCOTUS yet they themselves are the most criminally corrupt criminals to ever exist and their media co-conspirators cover it ALL up for them. WOW!
Elections: Democrats fiercely questioned the elections when Reagan, Bush Sr, Bush Jr. & Trump was elected. Including rioting, lawsuits & going to SCOTUS. So why is Trump such a threat to democracy when HE questions the 2020 or 2022 Elections.
NEWS FLASH: Elections have never been free, fair or open. Since Ancient Greece they've been stuffed, lost, found, miscounted, bought & stolen. If you disagree then you are the political equivalent to a flat earther!
It’s pretty clear that politicians of every stripe WANT nay NEED their voters to be extremely prejudiced, ignorant & uneducated because they and I both know that you’d really have to be “pretty frakking stupid” to elect them in the 1st place!
Every time republicans' want to purge invalid or deceased from voters rolls the dems, aclu, naacp, & black caucus file lawsuits. Only corrupt & deceitful people would want to keep illegal names or dead people there unless they had some “ulterior motive”.
Fake News: This post has been flagged. You've used fact facts, irrational emotions, improper analogies & called me a racist to force me to agree with you. Well, YOU, failed cause all it did was make me laugh at what a big terd you are! So better luck next time!
As for me I live in a world of facts! THE FACTS! Just because you choose not to believe the truth when its presented to you is YOUR problem not mine. I sleep fine. Tootles!
I'm sorry but I don't have time to point out all the flaws in what you just said, but I do have time to post this link which has facts we, in the REAL world, use to divine truth from fiction and brotha do you need some divine'n right about now!
You sit comfy behind your screen and say this & that with no regard to the truth. Well understand this: The truth, if you accept it, would crush the glass house you call your mind and make you realize you're a total and utter failure of a person & in life. Lies do that to a person ya know!
IF a tweet/story/headline contains just ONE example of Biased, Inflammatory, Subjective, Misleading, Out of Context, Hearsay, Unsubstantiated information or an Out-Right Lie it becomes FAKE NEWS When you Post fake news. YOU ARE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Fake news is super easy to spot!
-No direct statement from 'victim'
-All statements are 3rd person hearsay
-No facts or sources at all in article, just speculation
-Headline & content are biased and misleading.
Remember ALL media spins to fit the narrative they want you to see!
REAL NEWS is NOT rocket science. If you make allegations with anonymous or unverifiable sources it's called gossip, chinwag, idle chatter, lies and FAKE NEWS! If you want to play with the big boys verify your facts & sources before publishing them!
We may never agree on what truth is because we see reality through our own individual experiences & emotions, but until we choose to deny our emotions accept the 'factual truth' there will always be a debate on what IS and what is NOT really fake news!
FACT of the Day: You can't and won't make people understand the concept of REALLY FAKE NEWS unless & until they are willing to recognize it exists in the first place!
All polls are propaganda. Asking an opinion to 1000 ppl out of 340 mil is a .000294% pop. sample. It's literally 0%, and saying the entire country believes something based on these results it is the worse kind of malfeasance. It's CRIMINAL!
You're making a factual claim you MUST to prove it, and don't tell me to find the proof! YOU are the one trying to convince me therefore YOU must provide evidence. Without that you're a stupid uneducated liar and sorry excuse for a person!
My head hurts from the asinine comment you just made. Can you put a warning label on you future tweets saying "What you are about to see my uninformed, uneducated & ignorant thoughts, and if you disagree with me then you're a racist & nasi!" or you could just stop tweeting.
1st line: THIS is NOT a fact IT is an opinion!
2nd line: You are making claim of an attempted lynching, killing of multiple people & of a conspiracy that has zero facts to support it.
You have no actual evidence to support these claims thus they are lies and makes you a liar!
IF a tweet/story/headline contains just 1 example of Unsourced, Biased, Inflammatory, Subjective, Misleading, Out of Context, Hearsay, Unsubstantiated information or a Lie it becomes FAKE NEWS. When you Post fake news then YOU' RE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
1st line: Is a factual claim but yet you provide no factual source.
2nd line: Is a factual claim but yet provide no factual source.
Result: That makes your tweet a lie and YOU a liar and a surly sheep-biting skainsmate!
IF a tweet/story/headline contains just 1 example of Unsourced, Biased, Inflammatory, Subjective, Misleading, Out of Context, Hearsay, Unsubstantiated information or a Lie it becomes FAKE NEWS. When you Post fake news then YOU' RE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
This is a factual claim but yet you provide no credible source.
When you fail to post sources it makes you just as bad as the crazy liberals who say men can get pregnant!
Either start posting sources or stop tweeting this junk!
IF a tweet/story/headline contains just 1 example of Unsourced, Biased, Inflammatory, Subjective, Misleading, Out of Context, Hearsay, Unsubstantiated information or a Lie it becomes FAKE NEWS. When you Post fake news then YOU' RE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
1st: This is your opinion!
2nd line: This is a claim of conspiracy to commit murder and you provided no evidence to support it.
3rd line: This is projecting your behavior on others.
Result: That makes your tweet a lie and YOU a liar and a spongy rump-fed maggot pie!
IF a tweet/story/headline contains just 1 example of Unsourced, Biased, Inflammatory, Subjective, Misleading, Out of Context, Hearsay, Unsubstantiated information or a Lie it becomes FAKE NEWS. When you Post fake news then YOU' RE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Anyone who makes a factual claim of someone committing a crime must provide evidence otherwise is just defamation. It's not my job to find the evidence but the accusers. Don't get at me for pointing out your hypocrisy.
Free speech: Illegal & immoral speech are NOT the same. You can regulate illegal speech but its hard to regulate or legislate Immoral or mean speech except when you live under a dictatorship. #SovietUnion #nazigermany
Gender: When you radicalize children to conform to your gender, orientation or political beliefs. You've not only committed child abuse but you officially become the worst human beings of all time.
Being born with a wee we makes you a boy. Being born with a vee gee makes you a girl. Any other gender you make up is YOUR problem to deal with but no mine.
FACT: Men can't get preggo or have periods. FACT: Women who THINK they're men can get preggo and have periods. They are not the same so stop trying to equate them!
Just cause YOU want to play dress up doesn't mean you can just replace biological women/men in society. You must realize you will NEVER be the same physically, mentally or socially even if you think we can't tell the difference.
The fact is a woman is a woman and man is a man so you nor ANY surgery can't change that. You can ACT or PRETEND to be a woman or a man but you can NEVER actually be one. Its not phobic its reality and just because YOU choose to ignore this then its not my problem in the least!
If I said there're only 2 genders then I'd be 100% right. It's also true, tho, that some people THINK there are 70 genders. The difference is one is based on scientific fact and the other isn't. I'm sure you can see the subtle yet glaring problem.
There are 2 genders: male & female. There are 2 sexual preferences: men & women. You can have a surgery or dream up 70 more genders/orientations but it won't change the facts, EVER! Just keep your bedroom habits to yourself because I don't care what you do there!
If you tell me that I have to adjust my beliefs to suit yours then shouldn't I have the right to tell you to bugger off? You can do you, but leave me and my pronouns I choose the buck alone!
if its OK to have gay pride then why isn't it OK to have straight pride? Isn't it just the act of showing pride in one's orientation? Why is 1 OK and not the other? Why does 1 get a whole month and the other nothing? Why do democrats praise 1 and demonize the other? Answers?
Gun rights: I'm still pissed. Why do people who want to end 'gun violence' not realize guns don't kill? HUMANS DO! Humans CAN also use a car, knife, bat, rock, 2x4, crowbar, or even their hands to commit murder. FYI: they're already ALL illegal. You're fake outrage & butt crack is showing!
Why don't you remember, TERD! Criminals don't follow gun laws and it's already illegal to kill with a gun! MY GOD why to you have to be so DENSE! It's almost as if you don't even care you're a lying pos!
No sure if you don't know or if your just a stupid hack but criminals don't follow gun laws. There are already laws to make it illegal to kill someone. What we DO need are laws against dumbass politicians who don't know their bass from a hole in the ground! I'd vote for that!
Hey, TERD! FYI criminals don't follow gun laws! Gun laws are designed to restrict guns from law abiding citizens who would N E V E R carry out a mass shooting. Hence the term law abiding. Its amazing that you are so completely stupid that you can't comprehend this!
Our kids should be safe in the womb as well as our schools, too, BABY KILLER. Millions of children have ben murdered and you call it a human right and now you have some sick type of outrage. You are disgusting piece of human filth!
When YOU equate law biding citizens with criminals YOU become the criminal. Criminals do not follow gun laws, but law abiding citizens do so get this through your thick skull: PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE NOT GUNS! THE GUN IS JUST THE MEANS TO THAT END!
BIDEN's crackhead son lied and got a gun illegally and there was 0% outrage. Look to yourselves before blaming others for YOUR utter failing as leaders. You're all worse than pond scum!
If drunk killed someone with a car why don't liberals go after the car maker? Because then they can't politicize it. If they really cared about preventing murder they would address the problem not the object used to commit the crime. Value ALL human life at all stages!
If mass shooters knew that they would get their effen head blown off the moment they stepped onto school campus l believe that would reduce the number of shootings. Ok libtards!
If you're so brainwashed to believe that guns kill people yet you support killing babies in the womb & up to 30 days after birth as a human right then your speaking privileges have been permanently revoked!
Liberals claim where guns are highly regulated or banned that gun crimes are greatly less. What they don't tell you murders using knifes, bats, bricks and anything but guns skyrockets and that criminals don't follow gun laws. This is the same party that says men can be pregnant!
So dems are outraged about a school shooting, but which party removed armed security at schools? Which party just sent 58 billion ukr? Which party wants to defend the police? Not the GOP so all you triggered sob's just sit & spin!
What is a 'meaningful gun safety' bill. Criminals don't follow gun laws! Plus, it's already illegal to kill someone so what other laws would keep someone from killing someone else? You and other demorats and naught but pond scum!
Perhaps all you guntard idiots are aware but BGC's are ALREADY required for most guns & ar-15's. So your deranged claim that more background checks might work is as Spock would say illogical, and I say your almost the dumbest person on Earth beside brandon!
If you want to go after a gun mfrs. for gun deaths then why can't we go after big pharma for vaccine deaths? Is not one just as responsible as the other. The fact that you can't see that shows your epic hypocrisy!
Dems: Let's ban guns at schools & public events.
GOP: No. (but dem's did it anyway.)
Dems: Look a mass shooting just occurred at a school or public events and it's the GOP's faults for banning gun schools & large events!
SMH, Need I say more?
Words cannot describe how effen dumb democrats are...*pause for dramatic effect*...but numbers can. 10/10 (dumbassery scale).
You idea has a major flaw. You're say the GOP would fight it because they don't want minorities with guns. Well, Republicans don't care who has guns as long as its within the law. Dems, though, can't have their property be armed cause they might want sh00t the plantation owners!
Non & semi-automatic guns are already highly regulated, ID & bgc are required for most. Fully automatic aka machine guns were banned in 1934. So what new laws do we need when checks & bans are already in place? Sounds like they've got some ulterior motive for taking our guns.
If you're triggered by mass shooter events remember it was the dems who pushed for gun-free zones & pushed to remove armed officers at schools. It's dems who think guns kill people not the person who pulled the trigger. This is hypocrisy & mental illness at their finest!
The term 'weapons of war' is used by liberals to try and demonize ALL guns also AR-15's would never be used in war because its a civilian gun. It's a essentially just a rifle, and that's IT! Educate yourself, do research and stop being brainwashed by liberal extremists, TERD!
I find it interesting, also, that the gov 'immunized' big pharma from covid-19 vax lawsuits and 10,000+ deaths but begs to persecute gun mfrs. for gun crimes they have no control over! Anyone else see a problem with this?
Ppl say when a country bans guns it reduces gun crime and they ALWAYS & KNOWINGLY fail to mention crimes rates by all other means soar unchecked. So more ppl are harmed by gun restrictions, because it leaves ppl unable to defend themselves! PLUS, criminals don't follow gun laws!!
Hatred: Your illogical hatred of the Ultra Maga King & others who thinks we should put America first reveals that you hate your life, yourself, & our country. DON'T drag US down into your ultimate self destruction! Slink away silently!
Your hate has infected you and made you a devil. You are a puss-filled & rank vessel. Your mind has been infected with an evil that cannot be reconciled with the civilized world.
Horrid-19: If abortion is considered MY BODY MY CHOICE, then why doesn't this apply to VAX mandates & masks. Maybe its about shrinking undesirable populations around the world.
Immigration: If you don’t want to be subject to the law then don’t violate IT. Enforcing the law is not racist, bigoted, discriminatory OR rocket surgery. When illegals break the law, they MUST pay the piper just like ANY American citizen had THEY done the same!
Baseline Immigration concept: Any persons who violate our border aren't immigrants, migrants, undocumented, or dreamers. They're illegal aliens! As an American I expect them to be held accountable and the Rule of law to be followed as it would for me!
Inflation: For four years biden blamed Trump for the worst economy in 100 yrs. Now that food & gas have nearly doubled during HIS admin biden blames putin and trump.
The gov. can't spend money without the U.S. Congress, therefore blame for the past & current DEBT & spending can squarely put on them. They make billions while we wait for their measly crumbs.
Being jealous of the richest man in the world is not a good look! Could it be that you're envious of his large rocket and when you look at yours its hard to see under your bloated & hairy belly? Maybe you need the lawn mower 4.0 for the jungle down there! Check your BO, too, OK!
Lying: You just lied plus made some pretty brazen and dubious remarks. You are ignorant, uneducated and fail to believe facts staring you in the face. Your fake bass outrage is total bs, too. So why is it I'm the deplorable one for not being such rotten maggot pie sob & liar like you??
When you repeat a lie it's still a lie! When you repeat a lie it makes you a mutton headed terd-face liar, too. Please remember this next time you tweet that sh1t!
Your comments have no basis in our reality and thus a lie! But what they do tell us is you're scruffy headed nerd herder who desperately wants to kiss princess lea, but she doesn't like little whiney funts like you. Try kissing Chewbacca he might be more your style!
Your comments have no basis in reality and thus a lie! Is being a dirty liar a genetic thing for you or did you learn it from your parents? Perhaps taking the horrid-19 vax will change your DNA enough to not make you such a douche. You might need some boosters as well! Tootles!
You just lied! YOU and I BOTH know you just lied. Why? Were you told what to think & how to act by your groomer. Brainwashing is mental abuse so please report your parents if they hurt you! Think for yourself otherwise you're just a mindless zombie your libtard parents created!
You just lied. Not just any lie but a 'there are WMD's in Iraq' lie or 'Bette Middler is a good actress' lie or 'jfk was killed by Oswald' lie. This lie gives all other lies the hope that they are better than your lie.
You just lied! YOU and I BOTH know you just lied. Why? Were you told what to think & how to act by your groomer. Brainwashing is mental abuse so please report your parents if they hurt you! Think for yourself otherwise you're just a mindless zombie your librard parents created!
Give me the name, link, and page # of the doc. that supports your claim? Since you failed to do this in your tweet it makes you not only a ratbag LIAR but a simple brained fool! You can't just make shit up and expect us to believe it! I ain't bucking stupid!
Consider this notice: You're a liar and probably were a liar before and probably will always be a liar. Why would you want to be like terd faced politician bassholes?
Even if I present verified facts to prove you're wrong, which I can do easily btw, you wouldn't accept it anyway because you don't care about facts you only care about suppressing ANYONE who disagrees with you regardless of truth!
The tweet you just made should have a warning label saying: this tweeter has been brainwashed by corrupt politicians & their media lackies. Do not put your hands in their cage else you'll draw back a stump for hand! They bite the hand that feeds them!
Media Bias: Like Ronald Reagan & the USSR we must 'Trust but verify' the MSM at all times. How can we believe anything they say when they call the POTUS insane and 60 mil supporters racists? Just report the news but don't lie to my face and call it breaking news!
ALL TV and Cable networks including fox news are propaganda machines. Their news programs investigate nothing. They're told what to say & not say, and ONLY care about the Billions of $$ they get for ads when election season rolls around every two yrs.
I'm sorry you're suffering from Main Character Syndrome aka narcissism. YOU don’t want to report news-YOU want to BE the news. Please seek mental help before its too late. (5 seconds later) Oh well, you're already a Terd so I seeking help now would be pretty pointless. Cheers!
Politics: There are 3 types of lies...lies, dam lies and political party talking points!!
There are 4 types of lies...lies, dam lies, political party talking points, and when the Killary Clinton open her/his mouth!!
If you're gonna lie at least make it effen believable. A Good liar is one where you can't tell if they are lying you know like killary, obummer, brandon, any politician or agency, race-baters, blm, naacp or the media. Oh..wait maybe those weren't the best examples or were theeey?
The GOP is not blameless for the current state of the USA. BOTH are two sides of the same coin. Their only goals are to seek power maintain for themselves & their party while we pick up their bread crumbs thrown out just before election day. CRIMINAL!
The USA sends billions of $$ overseas in foreign aid. So why am I racist or pro-russia for even asking why this money can't be spent on Americans in America? It's because all the politicians secret bank accounts in those same countries need their monthly deposits that's why!
Many people refuse to consider they've been brainwashed. The facts are clear about what each party stands for, but one has to be willing to challenge the lies planted in your head by the media & democrats for 200 yrs! Gop are not innocent either, tho.
Using words liberals hate is now considered an actual physical attack against them. Yet real physical attacks against conservative is considered to be legal protests and OK. This is what political party politics does to a society.
Where's the outrage when whites are killed by non-white shooters? Why don't dems visit the families? Why no media coverage? News Flash! If shooter is non-white then dems, media & even the blm don't give a sh1t! They don't even care about black on black crime, either! Sad but true!
You can listen to the lies of the party, the politicians, and the corporate media mind zombies or you can think for yourself. Just remember they're ALL counting on you sit'n down & shut'n up and if you don't they'll turn on you an instant. That's party politics! We can do better!
It'd be nice if these slimy pols. would tell us what's actually in the bills in congress instead of frilly, trivial & nugatory descriptions that don't mean jack or sh1t. We need ACTION not feckless fool-born lawmakers or sound bites!
Blindly believing & parroting government narratives doesn't make you smart. It makes you the dumbest person this side of the Magellanic cloud. Me? I use REAL stuff like critical thinking, common sense, and some odd things called facts & evidence.
It's NEVER right to send money to other countries while 340 mil Americans suffer the worst president in the history of the universe.
Your level of fake outrage shows that you're mentally defective. You can't understand you've been brainwashed by party politics & liberal media. You refuse stop, think & realize that you're just a druggie that can't live without the crack given to you by party politics! STOP NOW!
We ARE in a war! A war against: corrupt media & politicians, truth/gender/free speech deniers, racists & race-agitators, baby killers, false accusers, liars, pedos, wokeness, and left wing fascist wackovists. Sorry if I left you out. You're probably used it anyway.
Fortunately, we all know anything a politician tweets or says is a lie or self serving tripe. I don't waste my time on losers or liars except to say: Hold still. I am trying to imaging that you're speaking to someone who cares about your racist & idiotic opinions. Nope. No luck!
Political candidates shouldn't use politics of personal destruction to attack opponents. They ought to tell the us why the buck we should vote for them and when they do buck us over we vote them out on their basses because we knew deep down they were lying in the first place.
Liberals are like mass shooters in many ways. They ignore laws they find inconvenient then proceed to blatantly break the rest, and when caught fain a 'who me; I'm the victim here' status and blame everyone else for their lawlessness. Angry yet? You should be!
Liberals smear whites as supremacists, blacks as uncle Tom's, jews as nasi's, and Hispanics as privileged for not voting democrat. Why? Because they only want voters who will do whatever the fuck they're told and also to NEVER question their authority, EVER! #endslaverynow
Leadership is in the eye of the beholder. You think Biden is the savior of the world by destroying America, her people & economy. I think he's a dirt bag traitor and should be taken out of the white house to meet a firing squad! You say tomato I say tomaato or pecan or pecaan?
1st, the USA is a republic not a democracy. 2nd, democracy is mob rule and tantamount to communism. 3rd, communism has killed 100-200 million ppl. globally, and 4th, if you're too bucking stupid to know the difference you shouldn't be on ANY ballet in the US! You disgust me!
Brainwashing by proxy is when someone's just too dome to know they're being blatantly lied to. Even when presented with irrefutable facts some are utterly incapable of seeing the truth. It's not because of stewpeedity, but because ignorance & stewpeedity! Can't win'm all I guess!
Here's a thought. Try telling me why I should vote for a candidate whose party labels me a racist, bigot, supremacists, privileged, phobic, antisemite, nazi, or a Christian extremists JUST BECAUSE I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THE DEMOCRAT PLANTATION OF LIES? I'll wait.. .. ..
For the millionth time. There is NO Sep. of C & S in our constitution. There NEVER was and never will be. SCOTUS has already ruled on this years ago. The more times you say there is Sep. of C & S isn't gonna make it 'more truer' but it WILL make you 'more dumber!'
The constitution clearly states that each state has the right and the duty for make laws on subjects NOT covered in it. That's the way it was up until Roe. If you choose not to believe that its YOUR problem not MINE! It still doesn't change these FACTS!
Those who choose to remain ignorant of the truth that democrats, fascism, nasi-ism, socialism & communism are all the SAME are the true irredeemables. This has been well documented. If you disagree then I you're racist white supremist homophob nasi!
Racism: Those who yell racism the loudest are generally the biggest racists around. You can only cry wolf so much until your speech becomes utterly meaningless. I think its already started.
Choosing NOT to use text books that tell kids that they are evil because of their skin color is NOT the same as taking books out a library and burning them or lynching someone because of their race.
I am white, MY skin color doesn't make me a intrinsically a criminal or racist any more than someone with someone with black skin. If you think it does then YOU are the one with a serious bigotry issue NOT me.
Did you know 'Race' is a human social construct to define the physical difference between the ppl. of the world. So who democrats work tirelessly to classify me as an evil white man when I'm just as non-evil as any other non-white human? For votes!
If my skin color is similar to some lunatic mass shooter that doesn't mean that I'm involved. Claiming a whole group is guilty of crimes because of a few IS racist! Supremacists exists in all ethic groups, but why is it only evil when its 'white'
Those who yell hate & intolerance the loudest are generally the biggest haters & bigots around. You can only cry wolf so much until your speech becomes utterly meaningless. I think its already started.
What do I do when dems repeatedly call me & other white skins evil just because of our skin color? I KNOW! I'll just report them to the racist governance board headed by the blm! That'll show 'em
Trump's Insurrection: No one has been conviction of an insurrection on Jan 6 so stop claiming Trump or his supporters tried to over throw the USA. Your opinion is NOT fact.
STOP! It is not illegal to question election integrity. Dems DID/DO it every time they lost a POTUS election. To now claim a holier than thou attitude it is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. Stop claiming people have broken a law because we all know some shady sh1t went down in 2020!
Our country uses FACT not opinions or legal consensus to assess guilt! Opinions/Feelings are not facts! Get this through your thick skull! Until a criminal court finds that an insurrection occurred IT DIDN'T and when you keep saying it did YOU'RE the one committing a crime!
The idea there was an insurrection on J6 is quite stupid. No one has been or will be convicted of said 'crime' so now your bright idea is about as smart as screen doors on submarines. You know this may explain why you're such a dimtard.
The idea there was an insurrection on J6 is quite insane. No one has been or will be convicted of said 'crime' so now your bright idea is about as smart as screen doors on submarines. The fact you keep mentioning it makes me wonder about your mental health!
Luckily you're not in charge. We use a thing called due process in the USA. A lame ignorant opinion or sham biased hearing doesn't mean squat in our legal system. Until a COURT finds an insurrection happened IT DID NOT! You can whine all day, but that will never happen!!!
A sham bias congressional hearing is NOT a court of law because ONLY a court can find that an insurrection occurred. ANYONE who thinks they know differently has failed the reach minimum education level for me to acknowledge their existence! One can't get any domer!
Opinion speeches & edited videos is not proof of an insurrection! So is there any other proof other that lying liberal opinions? WE NEED HARD EVIDENCE? If there's evidence why doesn't the DOJ go to a criminal court to prosecute? They don't because they WOULDN'T get a conviction!
If there was actual evidence of an insurrection then on the first day it would've been presented. IT WASN'T! If there was actual evidence there would already be charged pending & arrests made. THERE AREN'T SO YOU & THEY are cockered clapper clawed clopholes!
Please name the court & date this occurred and who was convicted of an insurrection then and ONLY then can you state there was an insurrection on j6! Until this happens however its just your opinion and utterly meaningless!
You can have an opinion an insurrection occurred, but THAT'S ALL IT'S YOUR OPINION. It is NOT not proof in court. In a court a Judge will determine if evidence is credible enough to be entered into evidence. Until that happens all these insurrection talkers are full of sheet!
If the j6 committee had the evidence then why didn't they show it the 1st 10 hrs of the hearing. If the doj has evidence why have there been zero arrests or charges? Hearsay and innuendo is NOT evidence of anything but fear on part of demterds!
No court has found that an insurrection occurred in the exact same way no court has determined that election fraud occurred in the 2020 election. If you think the latter is true then the former is just as true.
Stories from print & digital media orgs aren't credible sources. EVIDENCE IN COURT is the only thing that matters. So until someone is found guilty of an insurrection YOU can't credibly say an insurrection occurred or didn't. The fact you keep saying it, shows ur ignorance, tho!
NO! What you THINK you saw means NOTHING. You have to have evidence and people to give that evidence in a court to prove guilt not your insane version of reality! Let's also NOT talk about the double standard for dems criminals and republican ones which is well documented!
It's been 18 months sice J6. and still no charges of insurrection against DJT, no arrest of DJT, and no court has found that an insurrection occurred. What we did get was that my brother cousins boyfriend sister said DJT tried to hijack his limo to lead a revolt!
Has anyone noticed 'people' with the ukr flag in their profile have refused to consider the fact that there's no difference in taste from sh1t from their bass & sh1t from gov spoxes'. They eat both eagerly & greedily like its their last meal!
I think we should call the 911 for people with ukr flags in their profile. They are so full of sh1t that its coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth...or it just be a new medical condition known as Trans Spinal-Cranial-Rectal Inversion Syndrome (incurable). Oh..well!
We may need to do an intervention on those with ukr flags in their profile. Their blood levels of sh1t for brains is very abnormal and it could be fatal. I'd hate to be held responsible for yet another death from extreme liberal dumbassery!
Are all those people with the ukr flag in their bios just twitter bots. I wonder if they can be so stupid to believe the gov propaganda then sing it on twitter like mindless robot bassholes. I guess you gotta have a brain to use a brain! Poor saps!
Do all those people with ukr flags in their profiles know that they're supporting nasi's. Factual evidence shows that we're arming nasis to fight russia, but they've been so brainwashed by corrupt media & politicians that they eat up all their shit and then ask for seconds!
Have anyone wondered about ppl with ukr flags in their profile? They live, eat & sh1t gov propaganda. Their sh1t is served to them on a plate and they greedily scarf if up like is their last & only meal, then call me an basshole for not eating the sh1t too!
We should chat with people with ukr flags in their profile. Their levels of fecal matter in their blood is highly elevated. Someone ought to tell them they don't have to eat all that sh1t from the corrupt media or gov spoxes. We all know they're lying & cheating scumbags, anyway!
The people who have a ukr flag in their profile think they're know-it-alls. Don't they realize they've been literally gobbling up sh1t from the media & gov spoxes for yrs and then get mad at me for choosing not to eat their sh1t when they tweet it!
We should inquire about ppl who still have a ukr flag in their profile. Instead of flushing sh1t down the toilet they put it on a plate and scarf it up just like the sh1t from gov spoxes. Why would one eat all that sh1t the gov serves up to them? Mental illness maybe?
Did you ever notice something about ppl with the ukr flag in their profile. They tweet so much stupid sh1t it makes me wonder instead of flushing they put it on a plate and fork it in their face. Perhaps we need a warning label stating for all toilets: DO NOT EAT CONTENTS!
I don't have the energy to respond to this ignorant tweet so here's my canned response: -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / .- / - --- - .- .-.. / -.. ..- -- -... .- ... ... and that is my final word on the subject! Please don't bother to respond. I doubt you could figure it out anyway!
Trying to prove someone who commits a mass shooting is MAGA in order to disparage DJT or the GOP or their supporters IS as stupid as being a flat-earther. Besides we all know that criminal are naught but liberals in disguise. See that's how stewpeed YOU sound, too!