Facebook said in a recent six month period world-wide it removed more than 3 billion so-called 'computer generated fake accounts' but almost in the same breath they said that they ONLY have meager 2.38 billion users. Does their stockholders know about this? Imagine how much MORE money fb would be making if kept their posterior out of politics & the control of free thought. Imagine how much MORE money they wold make if they just stopped censoring or deleting their users and just kept to their business model of generating clicks and ad revenue.
If fb or any social media dictatorship that wants to delete accounts they claim are fake they should at least be open & transparent about it like how POTUS Trump is declassifying material about the illegal spying on his campaign and high level coup against him committed by obama himself, YES OBAMA, and his administration officials.
As users we should be told and/or have access to the following information:
What are the criteria they use to determine an account is fake? Unknown
Did they speak email or otherwise try to communicate with the user? Unknown
Is there a place the wrongfully deleted can appeal their termination? No
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"Facebook said in a Thursday, May 23, 2019 report, it removed more than 3 billion fake accounts from the service in the October-March period, although it doesn’t say how many it also missed. The report comes as Facebook grapples with challenges ranging from fake news to its role in elections interference, hate speech and incitement to violence in the U.S., Myanmar, India and elsewhere. (AP Photo/Ben Margot, File)"
"In a new report, Facebook said it saw a “steep increase” in the creation of abusive, fake accounts. While most of these fake accounts were blocked “within minutes” of their creation, the use of computers to generate millions of accounts at a time meant not only that Facebook caught more of the fake accounts, but that more of them slipped through."
"Worldwide, there are over 2.38 billion monthly active users (MAU) as of March 31, 2019. This is an 8 percent increase in Facebook MAUs year over year. This is compared to 2.32 billion MAUs for Q4 2018."
"The collusion probe was begun by the Obama-era FBI and Department of Justice, led respectively by James Comey and Loretta Lynch, and by U.S. intelligence agencies, working with their foreign counterparts."
Due to certain social medias' history of censoring, shadow banning, and blatant hypocrisy in their banning, blocking, and deleting accounts THEY and the democrats deem wrong, offensive or even the truth We are working hard to #deplatform from those social media sites! Our content will be available at THIS new hypocrisy free website, hosted by our friends the “Citizen Journalists of America or CJA.” (I myself created this organization and subsequent websites to promote more Citizen Journalism in America)
The CJA and my new site “The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network or The Battle-Line or TBL-CJN” will still use social media platforms to help spread our content, but the content itself will hosted at the TBL-CJN website to ensure that it will not and cannot be censured, erased, or otherwise manipulated by alt-left fanatics that run the social media networks.
You can join TBL-CJN by using your facebook or google credentials to make comments on our content or if you are a citizen journalist you can contact the admin to become a TBL Associate Contributor. Won’t it feel good not having all those crazed liberal social media loons looking over your shoulder? Won’t it feel good to take back our society from these leftists who use social media to spread their evil instead of making the world a better place.
Please join us now because at TBL-CJN truth, justice, and the American way is not a violation of community standards. In addition, when you join the TBL you will get instant notifications of new content by all the citizen contributors bypassing this social media propaganda network altogether. A win-win I’d say don’t you?
Please visit The Battle-Line Citizen Journalist Network Hompage or Click 'Join' above to become a member: https://www.thebattle-line.com
-JMJ, Adminstrator
ATTENTION fascistbook. This is a real account and I am a real person. There are no russian bots here! I am a US citizen and self-proclaimed citizen journalist exercising my constitutional right of free speech & and freedom of the press.
2020 is right around the corner and you seem intent, like you did in 2018, to collude with other social media companies to purge accounts you claim are 'negatively affecting' the upcoming election. My account and related pages although filled with sarcasm, irony, ridicule and sometimes frivolity at times still contains large doses of truth. Speaking, sharing and writing the TRUTH is not a violation of community standards, PERIOD!
By censoring me and other users who refuse to live on the democrat plantation you're perpetuating you NOT I nor any of the 3 billion accounts you've deleted are the one guilty of manipulating the election process. Stop these actions immediately, further interference will not be tolerated! This is your final and only warning!