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Writer's pictureJ Jones III

The Conspiracy We Live with in Plain Sight!

A Personal Exploratory Essay By John Jones (5/20/18)

The United States has always cherished its “melting pot” ethos of e pluribus unum — of blending diverse peoples into one through assimilation, integration, and intermarriage. When immigration was controlled, measured, and coupled with a confident approach to assimilation, America thrived. Various ethnic groups enriched America with diverse art, food, music, and literature while accepting a common culture of American values and institutions. Problems arose only when immigration was often illegal, in mass, and without emphasis on assimilation.” (1) Thanks to the progressive liberal democrats who have been infiltrated by hardcore socialists and communists a “state multiculturalism …of discord, violence, chaos, and implosion” (1) has erupted in our great nation.

The melting pot of America was strong because during the assimilation process because naturalized and born American citizens were able to share in the values and institutions that made us not only as a nation but as family, friends, neighbors and even coworkers. However, after the 1964 civil rights act, in which 40% of democrats voted to kill the bill (2), many democrats realized that if they couldn’t beat them (minorities) into submission then they could at least turn them into democrat voters, and for the next 50 plus years that just what they did, but in the process, they have set the stage for the destruction of our great nation!

The first lie was to tell blacks that all republicans hated them and they it was THEY the democrats who fought for the abolishment of slavery during the civil war and it was THEY that fought for their civil rights in 1964, it is THEY who cares for them during countless sleepless long nights in Washington DC congressional halls. The myth that the republicans somehow switched is just a political narrative to ’brainwash’ minorities to abandon the party that fought so hard to abolish the horrible practice of slavery in America.(3) The problem was that it worked because NONE of the republicans had the guts to confront this false media narrative or the courage to counter it with a simple verification of facts and a firm record of historical facts.

Fast forward to the new century the democrats have segregated our entire country into victim groups. only liberal pro-abortion groups, only liberal women rights groups, only liberal hispanic groups, only liberal black groups, only liberal asian groups, only liberal disabled groups, only liberal lgtb groups, only liberal illegal alien groups, only liberal legal alien groups, only liberal homeless groups, only conservatives are insane groups and let’s not forget about the PC Police (I am sure I missed a few) and for each one they place the blame on the evil republicans for all their problems in life.

As each decade passed the democrats have drawn America deeper and deeper into the multiculturalism chasm because they know, “ (it creates) discord, violence, chaos, and implosion.” (1) and since they couldn’t destroy America from the outside they are now doing a great job at destroying America from the inside! (4) Examples of this discord is social media where discord is enforced upon us about micro aggressions, cultural appropriation, white privilege, and fake outrage by so called social justice warriors.

Now at the seemingly point of no return no one is safe not from a Chinese inspired prom dress, from the lego gun, not from the offended server you failed to tip, not even from the vote you decided to cast. We live in such a toxic environment thanks to the divisions planted by the democrats so many years ago. Now that the mission is accomplished to divide American from itself it will easily fall. The destruction has already begun. Now that one neighbor is so scared to speak to another but for the fear instilled to them by democrats. Now that one group of people totally believes that an entire race are total racist bigots but for the lies told to them by the democrats. Now that marriage has been destroyed because women are told to hate men but for the lies told to them by democrats. Now that one groups fears and attacks the police but for the lies told to them by democrats. Now that there are millions of poor people who are told the republicans hate them but for the lies told to them by the democrats. Now that we kill 3000 babies a day because it’s her right but for the lies told to them by democrats.

Now that no one in America will be communicate or share values or share common experiences or share a common country I nor you will be able stand beside your families, your friends, your neighbors or your coworkers and fight for them. We won’t be able to know when they are in trouble to know when they need a helping hand, to know when they need a shoulder to cry on, to know when it’s time to band together to fight to protect our nation from and enemy foreign OR domestic!

This is how our nation is being destroyed. But it can be stopped when we realize how they are doing it. We must go back to the past “when immigration was controlled, measured, and coupled with a confident approach to assimilation, America thrived. Various ethnic groups enriched America with diverse art, food, music, and literature while accepting a common culture of American values and institutions. (1) Assimilation does not mean destruction of a culture because each new culture ADDS to the American way of life, but when immigrants refuse to assimilate, they take America one step closer to its destruction.

The notion that America is a nation of immigrants is another democrat lie. AMERICA IS A NATION OF CITIZENS!! CITIZENS who embrace the American culture not seek to destroy it, CITIZENS who love America not hate it, CITIZENS who strive to obey the law not ignore it, CITIZENS who don't physically and mentally enslave people just to get a vote at election time, CITIZENS who demand truth and refuse to accept really fake news and those who perpetuate it, and finally CITIZENS who just want life, liberty, and their pursuit of happiness and not be called a racist, bigot or privileged just because of their skin color!!

Epilogue: FOR ANYONE born or naturalized in American assimilation is NOT just speaking one language everyday all day in all situations (English only as some would say). It’s accepting the American culture that YOU are in while trying to integrate aspects of your own culture (and not trying to destroy it), it’s speaking the language of the American culture YOU are in WHEN appropriate, and whether YOU like it or not it’s appropriate much of the time, it’s supporting the laws of the American culture YOU are in at all times, it’s respecting the American people and their American cultural traditions YOU encounter, and finally it’s helping others do the same.

Writers Note: I welcome responses this content. For those who may disagree with me I encourage nay challenge you to try and refute my assertions with clear, concise, and verifiable arguments to counter the ones I have presented (see above and source material below as an example). If you cannot or will not present your case in an intelligent, cohesive and organized manner then don’t waste your time getting into this debate.





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1 commentaire

J Jones III
J Jones III
27 janv. 2019

It’s clear by their actions that politicians of BOTH parties WANT nay NEED voters to be uneducated and ignorant because they and I both know that you’d really have to be to “pretty frakking stupid” to put or keep any of the bums in office, SAD!

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