A black politician accused a white governor & mostly white male legislature of ‘raping alabama' for passing a law that might’ve saved almost 16,000 black babies between 2014-18 and THEN complained that if his own daughter is raped by HIS brother or a cousin she wouldn't be able cover it up by getting an abortion, WOW?! I didn't know this whole genocide thing was so popular among democrats..oh wait yes I did!
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"You just aborted the state of Alabama," the Democrat said in a fiery, emotional speech. "You just raped the state of Alabama with this bill. This is just a shame. This is a disgrace. This is a travesty." https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/tasneemnashrulla/alabama-senate-vote-abortion-ban
"I got to go home and tell her the state of alabama don't care nothing about your baby. That you can just be raped by one of your uncles or cousins or somebody could just rape you and impregnate you and you got to carry his baby under alabama law because baby if you have this abortion this doctor is going to go to jail for 99 years."
"Data from the Kaiser Family Foundation on reported legal abortions reveal that 60% of the reported legal abortions in the state of Alabama in 2015 were obtained by black women." https://dailycaller.com/2019/05/17/alabama-georgia-abortion-women-black/
"Total Abortions (2016): 6,642 The Alabama Center for Health Statistics reports that 6,642 abortions took place in Alabama during 2016." https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/states/alabama/